Tuesday, October 27, 2015

My most recent lolita meet up

Hello beauties! It's me again! ♡^▽^♡ if you haven't read about my lolita meet this past weekend then please read that! I'm going to talk about what I wore for that meet-up! ( do you sense a photo shoot coming again?) -ω(´•ω•`)♡ So I wore a Alice print dress! I decided to wear something not too bright so I went for a toned down colorway.  The print is actually a Alice and wonderland print. My headband is a n accessory that came with the dress. This dress also came with and apron!! with bells!!!! I think of a foodie lolita with this on LOL (which is a very accurate description of me)   It was a very beautiful day that day so I couldn't resist a mini photo shoot! I might actually ask a fried who is very into photography to do an actual photo shoot. Next I will be going to a Halloween meet up and I can't wait for the beautiful pictures I will take along with my lolita friends! So for now enjoy my pictures of my coord and see you next time ! ♡〜٩(^▿^)۶〜♡

close up of my face

Monday, October 26, 2015

Ramen lolita meet up!

Yummy ramen time (♡´౪`♡)
  Hey beauties! So this weekend I went to my first lolita meet up! As I mentioned in my previous post it's basically a group of people in frilly clothing gathering & hanging out! I had so much fun! The meet up was about and our away from my town so I had a bit of a driving distance but I was not alone! I recently meet a lolita at my university and we decided to go together. It was so great going to new territory with someone I somewhat know, and it was less intimidating.

So we went to a ramen shop in town, my friend and I were a bit late because it was the beginning of rush hour ( lol ) As soon as we got there we were welcomed very warmly! My friend and I got separated because of the seating arrangements but it was great! I meet some wonderful girls and a cool guy. The first person I met was a girl originally from Thailand! I love her coord and she was so nice to me! Everyone were so great, friendly and I enjoyed my time there so much!

The food was DELICIOUS! I have never had real ramen, I've only had ramen cup noodles and the store bought microwavable ramen so I was very HUNGRY and EXCITED to taste real Japanese style ramen. I had NO IDEA what to order so I ordered whatever I knew. I actually ordered their most popular ramen and tonkatsu. I learned about tonkatsu in my Japanese class once so I was so happy to recognize something LOL
Ramen shop!
My ramen

So after eating for 15-20 minutes we were at the ramen shop total of almost 3 hours! We were just talking and laughing about so many things, and I learned a lot of stuff! Unfortunately by the time we decided to leave the shop, it was getting dark outside! But I brought my awesome camera and got to take pictures of the lolitas ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Our group (♡ >ω< ♡) ( One person is missing :c )

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

My first Halloween lolita meet up......But I am the HOST???

For Halloween I am hosting my very FIRST lolita meet-up! Now what is a lolita meet up you may be asking???? A lolita meet up is what it sounds like! People who dress up or are interested in lolita fashion got to a gathering with other lolitas and we socialize! Meet ups are like big group friend dates! Actually this coming weekend I am going to an neighboring lolita meet up! It's about an hour and half away though (︶︹︺)
Photos CR to nekoblog.ch

Think about when a group of you and your close friends go out, you guys could decide to go to a movie, a park, a festival or whatever! Same thing for lolita meet ups but the most common places we tend to got to are tea houses, cafes, amusement parks, a restaurant historical parks or gardens and there is so much more you can do! 

Funny story is I actually have not been to a lolita meet up before. "Ha-ha weird right? And I'm planning one? Why even?" you might be thinking. The reason why I am planning a meet up is for a few reasons.
 1.) My local lolita community is dead/not very active. By this I do not mean, there are no lolita's in my area, just that our community is not as unified or active as it COULD be. Many larger cities such as NYC, LA, etc, have meets ups often because it is a larger amount of people interested in the fashion there and there are actually more things to do. I know girls that travel to NYC from western NY because that is the only place they can express being a lolita aside from anime conventions. There are conventions dedicated to Japanese fashion but either they are far away or there aren't many currently. I only know of 3 Japanese fashion oriented conventions.

Photo CR to egl.livejournal.com

2.) You don't have to be a professional lolita to create an event You do not have to be well versed, a lolita model, or anything extraordinary to create a  meet-up. I have started wearing the fashion in April of 2015, I am still a newbie but I would like my community to have more events so I decided to take an initiative and JUST DO IT !

3.) WE NEED A HALLOWEEN MEET!! What lolita does NOT want to dress up on Halloween of all days of the year?! It's a given we do LOL. For the record lolita is NOT a costume. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I'm on Bloglovin!

Hey lovelies! I just made a Bloglovin' account as well ^^ I will be posting there soon!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Corn Maze outing! ♥

Hello beauties! The past weekend I went to a corn maze with my university club! Most of the work week I am unable to wear lolita, I decided to wear lolita to the corn maze! It was a little chilly today but it was a very beautiful autumn day and I dressed to the occasion.
 I am part of a executive board, I am our public relations director for my university's Asian culture society, which is a club on campus. The club is about learning of Asian culture. We decided one of our trips would be a local corn maze. When I drove up to rendezvous with my club, I will admit I did get some stares. Most people in the club are upper class men who know what kind of person I am and knows I cosplay, and wear lolita. The girls I am friends with immediately complimented on my look. Even though I know the majority of people thee I did feel a little intimidated when I notices the stares. Some of my new guy friends questioned my outfit but not in a negative way, they were curious as to why I am dressed this way. I told them I wear this fashion on weekends normally, due to my clothing restrictions at work and they thought it was cool. I enjoy lolita fashion and am not ashamed of it.
My friend took this picture, I kind of like it lol ^^

 I decided to wear a plaid skirt an nice white blouse. I wore leggings under my thigh high socks because it was a bit chilly even with the sun out To top it off I wore my signature fox/bunny/cat hat. I have no idea what kinds of ears they are supposed to be LOL To make my hat look a little ;lolita, I put on some accessories on it that i recently bought from the last convention I went to. I have a star clip on one side of my hat and the other side is a fluffy hear clip with a pink bear on it, a dangling jewel, a dangling heart coming in my favorite color, PINK (。♥‿♥。)