Monday, November 30, 2015

New video up!

Hi beauties! Hope the holidays are going well for you! This week's video is about my Halloween meet up :) If you enjoyed it please like & subscribe for more! Comment & tell me about your Halloween meet ups and events!

                                                         Halloween Meet Video

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Flashbacks & updates

Hi beauties! The holidays are near, and as we are prepping for our holiday cheer, I was just recalling memories, places and cons I've been to as I am writing my anime conventions goals in the new year. It is a bit early, I know but we have less than 2 months left of 2015! So I am just doing a throwback to an anime convention I went to over the summer. For this coord, I did a kawaii decora lolita hybrid. My theme was royalty and it was my first time doing something like this. I was so excited when I first did this coord and happy how it turned. I gained lots more experience since then and I look forward to doing something like this again and improving it. I'd like to do more hybrid styles in the new year definitely! smile emoticon Let me know if you've done anything different or creative in your cosplay or j-fashion journeys

I also have exciting news! I will be entering a contest through Kawai.i International (Contest Link)! I am working on my coordinate, but the contest theme is dolly fashion. I have a few ideas as to how I will approach this, and I want to try my best with my limited experience as of now. When I enter I will; let you know and I hope you will like my dolly fashion enough to vote for me! :D Until then, have great day beauties!

One last thing, I received a video request so i will post that ASAP along with my thought for our community Halloween meet-up, I apologize for being behind on videos. I am a full-time university student so there ill be sometimes all y projects and work become overwhelming where I cannot make the time to do videos. Since Thanksgiving break is coming, I will definitely film and upload during that time :D

Royal theme


Friday, November 6, 2015

Ramen shop meet up video

Hi beauties! I uploaded my video about my Ramen meet up on youtube! Next I have my Halloween meet up to do! Should be up by next week ! Please like, comment and subscribe if you enjoyed the video! The link is below! Until next time~!

Monday, November 2, 2015

First Halloween meet-up !

Hello beauties!! Hope you had a happy Halloween! The weather for this Halloween weekend was GREAT! So in my last post I mentioned I would be hosting my very first lolita meet up! I will talking about that this week along with my thoughts of the meet ups. So for this meet up we decided to go to a botanical gardens in a neighboring town, about 30-35 minutes away from where I live. It was such a beautiful place and a diamond in the rough!

We had a reservation at the cafe but we were early so we decided to explore the gardens. The red, yellow and green trees were beautiful, we were awe at how beautiful autumn could be. We walked by a greenhouse an decided to take some pictures while we wait.

There were 6 people attending including myself, so we were a small group. One of them was my best friend and sister so I was so happy that she came along! She is not a lolita, she does cosplay but she enjoyed this meet up so much that she wants to go to more lolita meet ups ໒( ♥ ◡ ♥ )७.
The other attended were 2 of my newly found lolita friends, one of the lolita's boyfriend and a girl who is interested in lolita but has yet to start.

For my Halloween coord, I wanted to wear one of my new Alice prints from Bodyline. So since it was Halloween, I wanted to give off a Alice feel. In the gardens I looked like a lost Alice LOL I was like a candy Alice, very sweet and colorful. I really love this jsk, it is such a beautiful print and has is very cute!

We finally found the Japanese Gardens and we were so excited of how beautiful it was. There was a Japanese gate called a Torii gate. It is the red gates that leads to the path of the shrine. When we entered there a pond with a bridge over it, as seen in the picture.

This was the bridge in the above picture I was mentioning, and it was a great spot for a variety kind of pictures! I cannot wait to actually visit a Japanese shrine, and hopefully soon!

There were so many Japanese style statues, such as you would find in  areal Japanese shrine. I sort felt like we did travel and they did a great job integrating that into these gardens. There was a Japanese shrine there but unfortunately it was closed so we were not able to go in.

This was our group of girls that attended the Halloween meet! I had so much fun and look forward to the next one ❣⃛(❛ั◡˜๑)

Final Thoughts of The Meet Up

So I planned this meet up since about 3 weeks ago, to give people some time to decide. At first there were about 7-13 people going. Only 6 people attended as seen in the picture above. 3 of them were lolitas, including myself. So what happened to those people? Some people unfortunately had some last minute cancelling which was totally fine but the stuff I had planned would have been great for a larger group. For our activities, I had lolita bingo, a raffle, and a best Halloween coord contest. I had prizes too! Even though few people did attend, it was very fun and we already planned what our next meet up would be haha! We ended up only playing lolita bingo and everyone got to win a prize! I will admit I was a bit disappointed and a bit upset that I did deliberately tell people by a specific date to let me know who is attending for a reservation of the cafe in the gardens. But the day before about 3-5 people indicate they are unable to attend. I understand life happens and things come up last minute, but I was told a number of X amount of people attending which I told the cafe but about 1/3 of attendees attended. I did mention that my local lolita community is not active and in my opinion pretty much dead. It is a harsh way to put it but it is the truth. I do want our lolita community to be more active so I'm not going to stop trying to set up meetups,because that's not how our community will become active. This was a very great learning experience for me as I decide to set up more meetups, I learned what works and what would have more people attend and how I can become a better host for future meet ups. I am so glad I did this meetup, I bonded with the few lolitas that were there and I feel more unified with a lolita community. I will making a YouTube video of this to really talk about it & to give tips for meet ups along with footage of the actual site ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ) Let me know what you did on your halloween weekend! Did you attend any meet ups? Let me & thanks for reading!